The SABA GENERAL ASSEMBLY for 2022 is currently taking place. From this page, you will be able to download the programme and the recordings of all the proceedings
The programme can be found below. Below each level 2 heading, you will also find an audio player as well as a link to download the recordings of the proceedings.
30 AUGUST 2022
DAY ONE (Meeting logistics and reports – Sessions 1 & 2)
Chairperson (Lewis Nzimande)
13:00-14:30 (Session 1)
- 13:00-13:10 Opening and welcoming remarks by chairperson and President.
- 13:10-13:20 Self introductions.
- 13:20-13:30 Specific announcement relating to the zoom facility – Deena Moodley and Hanif Kruger.
13:30-14:30 Reports (Session 1 continues)
- 13:30-14:00 President’s report – President to deliver his report.
- 13:30-13:45 Report.
- 13:45-14:10 Discussions.
- 14:10-14:20 Advocacy Committee report – chairperson of the Advocacy Committee will deliver his report.
- 14:20-14:30 Committee on Quality Assurance – Chairperson will deliver his report.
- 14:30-14:35 Breather.
14:30-16:00 (Session 2 reports continue)
- 14:35-14:45 Legal and Constitutions Committee – Chairperson will deliver his report.
- 14:45-14:55 Afrikaans Rules Committee – Chairperson will deliver his report.
- 14:55-15:05 African Languages Committee – Chairperson will deliver his report.
- 15:05-15:55 general discussions.
- 15:55-16:00 Closing remarks by chairperson.
- 16:00 Closure and adjournment.
- end of day one.
31 AUGUST 2022
Chairperson (Lewis Nzimande)
13:00-14:30 (Session 3 Discussions)
- 13:00-13:05 Opening and welcoming remarks by Chairperson.
- 13:05-13:15 Treasurer’s report – the Treasurer will deliver his report.
- 13:15-13:30 Afrikaans rules – discussions, resolutions and reconfirmation of committee – President to facilitate.
- 13:30-13:40 Music Committee – Chairperson will deliver his report.
- 13:40-14:00 African Languages, Discussions, and resolutions and reconfirmation of committee – President to facilitate.
- 14:00-14:30 Jen Goulden, Braille Literacy Canada – Why is Braille still relevant and necessary in today’s technological world.
- 14:30-14:35 Breather.
14:35-16:00 (session 4 presentations and discussions).
- 14:35-14:50 Braille Technology – SABA representative to ICEB will provide an update.
- 14:50-15:05 Braille Training – Blind SA representative.
- 15:05-15:15 2015 ICEVI Resolutions – Blind SA representative to provide update on progress.
- 15:15-15:30 DBE Advisory Task Team –Progress Report – position and way forward.
- 15:30-15:55 Questions, answers & Comments.
- 15:55-16:00 Closing remarks by the chairperson.
- 16:00 Closure and adjournment.
- End of day two.
DAY THREE – Presentation and update on the current state of Braille in schools FOR THE BLIND.
Chairperson (Lewis Nzimande)
13:00-15:00 (Sessions 5 & 6)
- 13:00-13:05 Opening and welcoming remarks by chairperson.
- 13:05-13:30 Dr Siva Moodley – The interdependence of Braille and technology from an African perspective.
13:30-15:00 – Session 6
- 13:30-14:55 – Schools update on Braille matters.
- 14:55-15:00 Closing remarks and way forward by chairperson.
- 15:00 Adjournment.